Posts by Category


Autumn activities

This autumn features a mix of artistic and pedagogical activites in Klagenfurt, Graz, Vienna, Vilnius and Lisbon.

Piksel festival 2022

Our new improvisation project ‘Strip & Embellish’ will perform at the 20th edition of the festival, using a strong interlinking of two systems.

ARTikulationen 2022

This year I was coordinating the KWDS’s annual research festival, as well as moderating a panel on artistic collaborations.

Parallel Vienna

We present ‘in∣fibrillae’ as part of the Kunstraum Steiermark space in the art show at Semmelweis Clinic

xCoAx 2022 Coimbra

After two Corona years, xCoAx is taking place physically again, and I’m happy to show my piece ‘Kontakt (simultan)’ and co-chair the doctoral symposium.

Simultaneous Arrivals

The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) has approved my project ‘Simultaneous Arrivals’ (Simularr in short) within its prestigous track of artistic research (PEEK).

Swap Space

Preparing in March, and taking place during the month of April, Swap Space is a research pilot project that explores new forms of collaborative artistic rese...

Into the new year 2022

In many ways, 2021 felt like stasis, nevertheless the turn to 2022 held some new developments ready.

Algorithmic Segments

A project for spring/summer 2020, connecting the inner city of Graz through digital art and a special sound walk.

New studio space ‘Reagenz’

In January we moved into a great new studio space which will be called ‘Reagenz - Raum für künstlerische Experimente’ (space for artistic experiments).

Concert Tallin

Live Electronic Concert at EKKM - The Museum of Becomings, Tallin 22/05/2015.

Impuls Academy

I am participating in this year’s impuls-academy and the workshop Performative Computer Music with concerts on Feb 21 and 22.

Concert MIB Bremen

Thu Dec 25, 20:30h in Bremen. The ‘traditional’ Christmas concert with Ludger Hennig, Markus Markowski, Sciss.

Exhibition Turbulence

Sound installation at Forum Stadtpark Graz. Opening Fri&nbsp7 Nov, 19h; Exhibition 8–29 Nov, Tue–Fri 11–18h, Sat 11–16h