Winter Activities

Here is a selection of current and ongoing activities:
- We are still processing all the recent recordings from the Anemone Actiniaria project, preparing a demo as well as an entry in the Research Catalogue platform.
- On the same topic, an essay “Where Sounds Dwell” will be published in the catalogue of Nayari Castillo’s and Kate Howlett-Jones’ project “Rose of the Winds”.
- I am also invited to contribute a chapter to a new book on artistic research methodology. The working title is “«… a new machine now arises» - Algorithms and Reconfiguration”.
- I am currently developing new artistic projects, looking into such diverse topics as natural-language-processing and criminology.
- A new stable version of the SysSon sonification platform is currently prepared and presented during a workshop in Graz. In a more broader move, I am also working on a new major version of SoundProcesses that brings important changes such as the possibility to copy objects between sessions (and thus databases) and the support to represent linking and unlinking in performance-time, thereby allowing a full access to live improvisations on a resulting timeline object.
- The new DEGEM CD featuring my piece “Grenzwerte” is currently on rotation in the slot “A - Studioforum” of the DEGEM Webradio.