Into the new year 2022

In many ways, 2021 felt like stasis—I guess it did for many—despite quite a number of things happening, from the finale of Almat to xCoAx to new pieces like in|fibrillae, Kontakt (simultan) and Aleatorium, to the book publication for Algorithmic Segments. I guess it was due to the ongoing pandemic and the associated loss of a sense of time. Nevertheless, the turn to 2022 held some new developments ready, beginning with my new occupation as senior scientist at KUG. Also unexpected funds turned up, and we will finally be able to bootstrap a new artistic research endeavour on novel forms of collaborative work, while still waiting for the main funding application (fingers crossed). I began to work on a new intermedia object multiple named Rogues, which is currently in prototyping stage and will hopefully make its way into one of our collaborative endeavours. I was also invited to David Pirrò’s Klangnetze project which will see a sound installation in public space this summer. No slack expected for the year of the tiger…