
final class ExSeqOps[A] extends AnyVal

Linear Supertypes
AnyVal, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. ExSeqOps
  2. AnyVal
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new ExSeqOps(x: Ex[Seq[A]])

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
  3. def ++[B >: A](that: Ex[Seq[B]]): Ex[Seq[B]]

    A concatenation of this sequence with that sequence

  4. def +:[B >: A](elem: Ex[B]): Ex[Seq[B]]

    A new sequence with the element prepended

  5. def :+[B >: A](elem: Ex[B]): Ex[Seq[B]]

    A new sequence with the element appended

  6. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  7. def appended[B >: A](elem: Ex[B]): Ex[Seq[B]]

    A new sequence with the element appended

  8. def apply(index: Ex[Int])(implicit d: HasDefault[A]): Ex[A]

    The element at a given index if the index is valid, otherwise the default value

  9. def applyOption(index: Ex[Int]): Ex[Option[A]]

    The element at a given index if the index is valid

  10. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  11. def concat[B >: A](that: Ex[Seq[B]]): Ex[Seq[B]]

    A concatenation of this sequence with that sequence

  12. def contains(elem: Ex[A]): Ex[Boolean]

    Whether this collection contains an element or not

  13. def count(p: (Ex[A]) => Ex[Boolean]): Ex[Int]
  14. def diff(that: Ex[Seq[A]]): Ex[Seq[A]]

    The multiset difference between this sequence and that sequence

  15. def differentiate(implicit num: Num[A]): Ex[Seq[A]]
  16. def distinct: Ex[Seq[A]]

    All the elements of this sequence ignoring the duplicates

  17. def drop(n: Ex[Int]): Ex[Seq[A]]

    All elements except first n ones

  18. def dropRight(n: Ex[Int]): Ex[Seq[A]]

    The rest of this sequence without its n last elements

  19. def dropWhile(p: (Ex[A]) => Ex[Boolean]): Ex[Seq[A]]
  20. def endsWith(that: Ex[Seq[A]]): Ex[Boolean]

    Tests whether this sequence ends with that sequence

  21. def exists(p: (Ex[A]) => Ex[Boolean]): Ex[Boolean]
  22. def filter(p: (Ex[A]) => Ex[Boolean]): Ex[Seq[A]]
  23. def filterNot(p: (Ex[A]) => Ex[Boolean]): Ex[Seq[A]]
  24. def find(p: (Ex[A]) => Ex[Boolean]): Ex[Option[A]]
  25. def findLast(p: (Ex[A]) => Ex[Boolean]): Ex[Option[A]]
  26. def flatMap[B, To](f: (Ex[A]) => B)(implicit fm: CanFlatMap[Seq, B, To]): To
  27. def foldLeft[B](z: Ex[B])(op: (Ex[B], Ex[A]) => Ex[B]): Ex[B]
  28. def forall(p: (Ex[A]) => Ex[Boolean]): Ex[Boolean]
  29. def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyVal]
    Definition Classes
    AnyVal → Any
  30. def grouped(size: Ex[Int]): Ex[Seq[Seq[A]]]

    Partitions elements in fixed size sequences

  31. def head(implicit d: HasDefault[A]): Ex[A]

    The first element if the sequence is non-empty, otherwise the default value

  32. def headOption: Ex[Option[A]]

    The first element if the sequence is non-empty

  33. def indexOf(elem: Ex[A], from: Ex[Int]): Ex[Int]

    The index of the first occurrence of elem at or after from in this sequence, or -1 if not found

  34. def indexOf(elem: Ex[A]): Ex[Int]

    The index of the first occurrence of elem in this sequence, or -1 if not found

  35. def indexOfSlice(that: Ex[Seq[A]], from: Ex[Int]): Ex[Int]

    First index at or after from where this sequence contains that sequence as a slice, or -1 if not found

  36. def indexOfSlice(that: Ex[Seq[A]]): Ex[Int]

    First index where this sequence contains that sequence as a slice, or -1 if not found

  37. def indexWhere(p: (Ex[A]) => Ex[Boolean]): Ex[Int]
  38. def indices: Ex[Seq[Int]]

    Indices from zero until the size of this sequence

  39. def integrate(implicit num: Num[A]): Ex[Seq[A]]
  40. def intersect(that: Ex[Seq[A]]): Ex[Seq[A]]

    The multiset intersection between this sequence and that sequence

  41. def isDefinedAt(index: Ex[Int]): Ex[Boolean]

    Whether an index lies within this sequence

  42. def isEmpty: Ex[Boolean]
  43. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  44. def last(implicit d: HasDefault[A]): Ex[A]

    The last element if the sequence is non-empty, otherwise the default value

  45. def lastIndexOf(elem: Ex[A], end: Ex[Int]): Ex[Int]

    The index of the last occurrence of elem at or before end in this sequence, or -1 if not found

  46. def lastIndexOf(elem: Ex[A]): Ex[Int]

    The index of the last occurrence of elem in this sequence, or -1 if not found

  47. def lastIndexOfSlice(that: Ex[Seq[A]], end: Ex[Int]): Ex[Int]

    Last index at or before end where this sequence contains that sequence as a slice, or -1 if not found

  48. def lastIndexOfSlice(that: Ex[Seq[A]]): Ex[Int]

    Last index where this sequence contains that sequence as a slice, or -1 if not found

  49. def lastOption: Ex[Option[A]]

    The last element if the sequence is non-empty

  50. def map[B, To](f: (Ex[A]) => B)(implicit m: CanMap[Seq, B, To]): To
  51. def maxOption(implicit ord: ScalarOrd[A]): Ex[Option[A]]
  52. def minOption(implicit ord: ScalarOrd[A]): Ex[Option[A]]
  53. def mkString(start: Ex[String], sep: Ex[String], end: Ex[String]): Ex[String]
  54. def mkString(sep: Ex[String]): Ex[String]
  55. def mkString: Ex[String]
  56. def nonEmpty: Ex[Boolean]
  57. def padTo[B >: A](len: Ex[Int], elem: Ex[B]): Ex[Seq[B]]
  58. def patch[B >: A](from: Ex[Int], other: Ex[Seq[B]], replaced: Ex[Int]): Ex[Seq[B]]
  59. def permutations: Ex[Seq[Seq[A]]]
  60. def prepended[B >: A](elem: Ex[B]): Ex[Seq[B]]
  61. def product(implicit num: Num[A]): Ex[A]
  62. def reverse: Ex[Seq[A]]
  63. def sameElements[B >: A](that: Ex[Seq[B]]): Ex[Boolean]
  64. def select[B](implicit bridge: Bridge[B], ev: =:=[Ex[Seq[A]], Ex[Seq[graph.Obj]]]): Ex[Seq[B]]
  65. def selectFirst[B](implicit bridge: Bridge[B], ev: =:=[Ex[Seq[A]], Ex[Seq[graph.Obj]]]): Ex[Option[B]]
  66. def size: Ex[Int]

    The number of elements in the sequence

  67. def slice(from: Ex[Int], until: Ex[Int]): Ex[Seq[A]]
  68. def sliding(size: Ex[Int], step: Ex[Int] = 1): Ex[Seq[Seq[A]]]

    Groups elements in fixed size blocks by passing a "sliding window" over them.

    Groups elements in fixed size blocks by passing a "sliding window" over them. Note that both size and step are automatically constraint to values of one and greater.

  69. def sorted(implicit ord: ScalarOrd[A]): Ex[Seq[A]]
  70. def splitAt(n: Ex[Int]): Ex[(Seq[A], Seq[A])]
  71. def startsWith(that: Ex[Seq[A]], offset: Ex[Int] = 0): Ex[Boolean]

    Tests whether this sequence starts with that sequence

  72. def sum(implicit num: Num[A]): Ex[A]
  73. def take(n: Ex[Int]): Ex[Seq[A]]
  74. def takeRight(n: Ex[Int]): Ex[Seq[A]]
  75. def takeWhile(p: (Ex[A]) => Ex[Boolean]): Ex[Seq[A]]
  76. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
  77. def updated[B >: A](index: Ex[Int], elem: Ex[B]): Ex[Seq[B]]

    A new sequence equal to this sequence with one single replaced elem at index.

    A new sequence equal to this sequence with one single replaced elem at index. If the index lies outside the sequence, the original sequence is returned.

  78. def withFilter(p: (Ex[A]) => Ex[Boolean]): Ex[Seq[A]]
  79. def zip[B](that: Ex[Seq[B]]): Ex[Seq[(A, B)]]
  80. def zipWithIndex: Ex[Seq[(A, Int)]]

Inherited from AnyVal

Inherited from Any
