
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package de
    Definition Classes
  • package sciss

    The interfaces are grouped into the following packages:

    Welcome to the Mellite API documentation.

    The interfaces are grouped into the following packages:

    The Lucre transactional object model:

    • de.sciss.lucre.stm is the base package for transactions, with things like Obj, Txn, Sys, and Cursor
    • de.sciss.lucre.artifact is the base package for file system artifacts, with classes Artifact and ArtifactLocation
    • de.sciss.lucre.expr is the base package for expression types such as IntObj, DoubleObj, etc.

    Other useful packages:

    • for reading and writing audio files
    • de.sciss.osc for general Open Sound Control interfaces


package de

Package Members

  1. package sciss

    The interfaces are grouped into the following packages:

    Welcome to the Mellite API documentation.

    The interfaces are grouped into the following packages:

    The Lucre transactional object model:

    • de.sciss.lucre.stm is the base package for transactions, with things like Obj, Txn, Sys, and Cursor
    • de.sciss.lucre.artifact is the base package for file system artifacts, with classes Artifact and ArtifactLocation
    • de.sciss.lucre.expr is the base package for expression types such as IntObj, DoubleObj, etc.

    Other useful packages:

    • for reading and writing audio files
    • de.sciss.osc for general Open Sound Control interfaces
